Friday, July 20, 2007

Nothing interesting to say, unless it's to ruminate on the complexities of my current boyfriend, and this doesn't seem an appropriate medium for that. Of course, I don't really spend much time in other mediums, but it's the principle of the thing, right?

So what does one say, then? Something clever and witty, or analytical and sharp (or both, if you're very, very good). Or, in my case, whatever dribble flows down your mind and pops out the fingertips.

I've been doing a fair amount of movie watching recently. Transformers was excellent, by the way, and for a fifth in a series (criminy, it's hard to believe it's been that big a series) Harry Potter was excellent. Actually, HP has done really well, with quality only taking a big drop from 1 to 2, and just staying consistently at about B movie status since then. Fantasy movies seem to be on the upswing, judging by the previews. None of them look very good though, which is a shame. Actually, I think I'm craving something more along the lines of Shooter these days, and Live Free or Die Hard, while fun, was not quite it. Maybe another fun movie with The Rock in it (and yes, I will be seeing his nanny movie when it comes out).

*sigh* well, I've wasted enough time that I can now get off work without taking a hit to my paycheck, so it looks like I wont be blogging long enough to get the creative juices flowing. Shucks :(